Today’s topic is about Hanabi/Fireworks.
Japanese people like to watch Hanabi/Fireworks especially in summer. It has some unique characteristcs comparing to the ones in other countries.

Japanese fireworks, or hanabi, represent a unique and cherished aspect of Japanese culture. They are characterized by their rich history, meticulous design, vibrant aesthetics, seasonal and cultural significance, traditional techniques, and a focus on community and artistry. Japanese fireworks go beyond mere entertainment; they embody a deep connection to tradition, art, and the celebration of life.
In contrast, fireworks in other countries may have different origins, priorities, and characteristics. The distinctions between Japanese fireworks and those in other nations highlight the diversity and cultural richness of global pyrotechnic traditions.
While the essence of fireworks—bringing people together through the shared joy of dazzling displays—remains universal, each culture adds its unique flair to this ancient form of artistic expression.
As I picked up in the other article on “Wabi-sabi”, as the hanabi/fireworks is also considered with “Wabi-Sabi” principle, each hanabi/firework is designed to have beauty in such a short period of time.
<Reference> “Wabi-sabi” is a fundamental aspect of Japanese aesthetics and philosophy, emphasizing the beauty of imperfection, impermanence, and transience. It certainly has a profound influence on how Japanese people perceive and appreciate fleeting moments of beauty, such as cherry blossoms (sakura) and fireworks.
In the context of fireworks, the fleeting and ephemeral nature of each burst of light and color in the night sky aligns with the “wabi-sabi” principle. Japanese hanabi displays encapsulate the idea of finding beauty in the impermanent, the momentary, and the imperfect. Each firework, like a cherry blossom, has its own unique and brief life, which adds to the overall experience and appreciation of its beauty.
I personally recommend to watch Hanabi/Fireworks in summer “Hanabi-Taikai”. “Taikai” means competition, but no winner or looser out of it, though…
That’s all for the today’s topic. I hope this would help you understand what is going on in Japan.