English Unbelivable Japan – Plastic Model Today's topic is about "Plastic model".There are tons of different plastic models available in the world. In the world o... 2023.11.10 EnglishLive Life Free
English 英語学習の妨げとなるもの 今回は「英語学習の妨げとなるもの」についてです。英語学習者の一人である筆者が感じる点について書かせていただきます。 カタカナ英語そもそも外国語を日本語/カタカナ英語で表現することに無理があると思うのですが、グーグル(Google)、バイク(... 2023.11.06 EnglishLive Life Free
English Unbelievable Japan Mt.Fuji Today's topic is about "Mt(Mount).Fuji". Mt.Fuji is the icon of Japan known in worldwide because of its graceful form.Mt... 2023.10.06 EnglishLive Life Free
English Unbelievable Japan Wabi-Sabi Today's topic is about "Wabi-Sabi". If this word makes you imagine the Japanese tea ceremony, you must be such a Japan g... 2023.09.29 EnglishLive Life Free
English Unbelievable Japan – Natto Today's topic is about "Natto". Natto is a traditional Japanese food, which is a fermented food made of soybeans with "B... 2023.09.22 EnglishLive Life Free
English 英語学習の意義について考えてみた 今回は「英語学習」の意義についてです。昨今のAIの台頭、言語自動翻訳の進化により、「もう外国語を勉強する必要ない」とか、「外国語学習はオワコン」と言う人々や、「Google翻訳」をかざして外国人と会話をしている人々を見ます。元々、英語学習の... 2023.09.20 EnglishLive Life Free
English Unbelievable Japan – Conveni Today's topic is about "Conveni", which is the Japanese abbreviation of convenience store. If you have already dropped b... 2023.09.08 EnglishLive Life Free
English Unbelievable Japan – My Stuff Today's topic is about "My Stuff". There are lots of items called My stuff in Japan.The example of its usage would be "M... 2023.09.06 EnglishLive Life Free
English Unbelievable Japan – Gacha Today's topic is about "Gacha gacha", which is so called "capsule toy machine". You can see this at the Gacha corner of ... 2023.09.01 EnglishLive Life Free
English Unbelievable Japan – Road Terrorist Today's topic is "Road Terrorist". First of all, this is not an urban legend. Food terrorist is geeting popular, but thi... 2023.08.18 EnglishLive Life Free