Today’s topic is about “My Stuff”. There are lots of items called My stuff in Japan.
The example of its usage would be “My car”, “My bag”, “My cup”, “My number card”, etc.
I don’t know why they tend to use the term. I guess it has started since 1961 when Japanese people got my own cars.
Following is the picture from Japanese auto show taken place in Tokyo in 1961.

So, “My bag” means is my own bag. “My cup” means my own cup.
“My number card” is a kind of Japanese version of social security card being used in the USA. The tricky part of this card is as the card’s name is “My number card”, there would be some strange conversation to be exchanged between card owner and the person who receives in English like “Please submit your My number card”, “Here is my My number card”.

That’s all for the today’s topic. I hope this would help you understand what is going on in Japan.